Research Training in Surgical Oncology
The Duke Research Training Program in Surgical Oncology will develop surgeons and perioperative physicians into physician-scientists, which is critical to the multidisciplinary approach needed to investigate novel approaches to cancer.

Advanced Immunobiology Training Program
The Advanced Immunobiology Training Program (AITP) at Duke University provides surgeons with training in advanced immunology and creates surgeon-scientists capable of participating and leading in surgically relevant areas of immunobiological research.

David Ranney, MD, Resident in General Surgery and Research Fellow in the Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, co-founded the InnovateMD program with Ken Gall, PhD, Associate Director of MEDx and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. The InnovateMD program enables residents and fellows to collaborate with faculty and students in the School of Engineering in the field of medical device innovation.

DCRI Research Fellowship
The Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) offers a 2-year fellowship in therapeutic and outcomes research under the mentorship of a DCRI research faculty member. Research areas include cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology/hepatology, infectious diseases, nephrology, pediatrics, and pulmonary and critical care medicine.

Graduate Degrees
Residents and fellows can obtain graduate degrees from various programs offered through the Duke University Graduate School.