The Duke University Department of Surgery is excited to be the first training program in the country to offer a structured, competency-based endovascular skills curriculum to our various surgical trainees along with multi-disciplinary collaboration with general surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, and interventional radiology.
The Structured Training for Endovascular Techniques (STENT) curriculum was developed in 2017 via a collaboration between general surgery residents and vascular surgery faculty through the Surgical Education and Research Group (SERG). The current curriculum includes competency-based knowledge and technical skill assessments to be completed by junior general surgery residents during the Endoluminal Rotation.
All residents will complete a didactic training program offered in both written and video formats prior to skill development utilizing the Simbionix ANGIO Mentor Flex II Simulator (Littleton, CO) within the Surgical Education and Activities Lab (SEAL). Once proficiency on the simulator is achieved, residents will accompany vascular surgery faculty in the operating room and catheterization lab for hands-on experience obtaining femoral access and performing peripheral interventions.
For more information, please contact our faculty mentor Dr. Chandler Long and our resident leader Dr. Morgan Cox.