High-Quality Care
The Duke Division of Abdominal Transplant Surgery offers expert treatment and surgical care in kidney, liver, small bowel, and hand transplantation. Duke University Hospital has some of the nation's best outcomes for adult liver transplants.

Transplantation Research Laboratories
Investigators in transplantation conduct basic and clinical research studies to better understand transplant rejection, reduce the need for immunosuppressive medications in transplant recipients, and improve clinical outcomes of organ transplantation.

Del Stickel Abdominal Transplant Fellowship Program
The Del Stickel Abdominal Transplant Fellowship Program is an American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) surgical fellowship approved for liver and kidney transplantation and hepatobiliary training. The program accepts one fellow every year. Fellows finish with experience meeting UNOS standards in kidney and liver transplantation and hepatobiliary disease treatment.