The Duke Division of Abdominal Transplant Surgery offers expert treatment and surgical care in kidney, liver, small bowel, and pancreas transplantation. Learn more about the following treatments on DukeHealth.org:
Clinical Trials
As a leader in research and clinical studies, our patients have access to innovative procedures and the most current therapies. See research participation opportunities.
Refer a Patient
Physicians who choose Duke Health as their partner in patient care have access to nationally recognized specialists and services in every health care discipline.
Download our Solid Organ Transplant Referral Forms on DukeHealth.org.
Please contact our Transplant Outreach Liaison at 919-613-2843 if you would like to schedule a visit from the Duke transplant clinical team, learn more about our patient referral and evaluation process or schedule a time to visit us here at Duke.
Are you interested in serving as a living kidney donor?
Begin the process by filling out a preliminary, confidential survey that will help us determine if it is safe for you to be a kidney donor.