The Duke Department of Surgery's dedication to providing exceptional patient care has resulted in an ever-expanding clinical research program. Clinical trials are an integral part of the transition of research from bench to bedside. Clinical research in the Department of Surgery is managed by the Surgery Office of Clinical Research (SOCR), which is staffed with experienced individuals who are dedicated to patient safety while conducting innovative research with the hope of advancing medicine and improving clinical care. Dr. Matthew Hartwig, an experienced clinician and researcher, serves as Medical Director of SOCR.
The number and variety of active clinical trials in the Department of Surgery allows us to offer our patients access to treatments and therapies that are available at only a few medical centers nationwide.
To access additional information about studies being conducted at Duke, you can visit the Duke Clinical Trials Directory.

Surgery Office of Clinical Research
The Surgery Clinical Research Unit (CRU) is responsible for review, oversight, organization, study support, and compliance of research that occurs within the Department of Surgery. SOCR was established to provide clinical research support for the Department of Surgery in order to streamline and optimize research within the department.
Clinical Research in the Department of Surgery
Learn more about our clinical research efforts.