Services Descriptions
Services Offered to Junior Faculty or Faculty New to NIH Proposals
- Initial consultation
- Monthly/weekly meetings
- Develop timeline and application checklist for all components
- Provide templates with instructions for required attachments
- Draft facilities/resources and equipment sections
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit initial draft of all proposal sections and provide feedback
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
Services Offered to Experienced Faculty or Faculty With Prior NIH Funding
- Initial consultation
- Provide templates with instructions for required attachments
- Draft facilities/resources and equipment sections
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
Services Offered to All Faculty
- Initial consultation
- Monthly/weekly meetings
- Develop timeline and application checklist for all components
- Provide templates with instructions for all required attachments
- Draft facilities/resources and equipment sections
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit initial draft of all proposal sections and provide feedback
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
Services Offered to All Faculty
- Initial consultation
- Monthly/weekly meetings
- Develop timeline and application checklist for all components
- Provide templates with instructions for all required attachments
- Draft facilities/resources and equipment sections
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit initial draft of all proposal sections and provide feedback
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
Services Offered to Junior Faculty
- Initial consultation
- Monthly/weekly meetings
- Develop timeline and application checklist for all components
- Provide templates with instructions for required attachments
- Draft facilities/resources and equipment sections
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit initial draft of all proposal sections and provide feedback
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
Services Offered to Junior Faculty or Faculty New to DoD Proposals
- Initial consultation
- Monthly/Weekly meetings
- Develop timeline and application checklist for all components
- Provide templates with instructions for required attachments
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit initial draft of all proposal sections and provide feedback
- Draft technical and lay abstracts and other ancillary documents
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
- Initial consultation
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
Services Offered to All Faculty
- Initial consultation
- Monthly/Weekly meetings
- Develop timeline and application checklist for all components
- Provide templates with instructions for all required attachments
- Draft Facilities/Resources and Equipment sections
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit initial draft of all proposal sections and provide feedback
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
- Edit biosketches and tailor personal statements
- Draft and request letters of support
- Review and edit final proposal prior to submission
- No services provided
- Support for trainees is offered via other departmental resources
No services provided
Identifying Potential Sources of Project Funding
- Idea development. Surgery Research Development (SRD) meets with the Principal Investigator (PI) to discuss their research idea, understand the scientific background that is the basis for the idea and for the PI to explain their idea to a non-specialist on the topic.
- Strategic funding opportunity meetings. SRD meets weekly to review open and upcoming funding opportunities to identify ones that are relevant or of interest for Surgery faculty. We provide direct, personalized recommendations for faculty members and will discuss strategies for pursuing one or more opportunities.
Surgery Translational Research Collaborations Network
- “Big” funding announcements. SRD works with PIs to organize research teams around large funding announcements such as Program Project Grants (PPGs; e.g., NIH P01, DoD Team Science).
- Topic area specific interests. SRD organizes discussion groups around topic areas of interest with Surgery faculty and collaborators within Duke (e.g., Neurology, Biomedical Engineering, Anesthesiology) and external to Duke (e.g., UNC, NCSU) to identify research resources and foster new research activity.
Proposal Development
- Complex, individual investigator, and training grant proposals. SRD coordinates the proposal process, helping teams prepare responsive and compliant grant submissions that are aligned with sponsor and institutional goals.
- Substantive editing of proposal content. SRD performs technical editing of scientific sections and drafts and edits supporting proposal documentation, such as Facilities and Resources attachments.
- Saving you time. SRD creates and maintains templates and checklists (with instructions) as well as proposal writing timelines that are tailored for your specific proposal.
Strategic Support
- Supporting departmental initiatives. SRD provides support and management in areas identified as departmental priorities, such as the Surgical Center for Outcomes Research (SCORES).
- Internal grant review. SRD coordinates review of proposals internally both for external proposal submissions as well as for internal pilot grant programs.
- Faculty development. SRD offers specialized, comprehensive support and training for junior faculty and those new to the grants process.
Working with Research Development
Are you ready to discuss a project? Looking for help with identifying resources and collaborators? In need of technical editing of your proposal? Not sure how to get started?