About the Conference
The Duke Transplant Center (DTC) will host the XXI Great Lakes Transplant Immunology Forum November 14-15, 2022.
The Great Lakes Transplantation Immunology Forum (GLTIF) is an annual meeting that was inaugurated in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 2000 to provide a regional forum to share ongoing research findings, get feedback on new research ideas, promote networking, and generate research collaborations.
Dr. Charles G. Orosz (1949-2005) proposed the establishment of an annual regional transplant immunology meeting which would facilitate interactions and the free exchange of ideas and technologies between labs. This idea evolved into the annual Erie (now Great Lakes) Transplant Forum, which will hold its 21st meeting this fall, 2022.*
*captured and modified from Memoriam of Dr. Orozs in American Journal of Transplantation 2005; 5: 2805–2806.
Conference Details
View the full conference agenda here (opens in PDF attachment).
Email collin.jordan@duke.edu for registration information.
Hotel Reservations
GLTIF 2022 group rates are available until September 30, 2022.
Book your group rate for GLTIF 2022
Parking and Campus Details
Joseph and Kathleen Bryan Research Building Auditorium
311 Research Dr.
Durham, NC 27710
Dinner & Event
Details coming soon
Keynote Speaker
Allan D. Kirk, PhD
David C. Sabiston Jr. Distinguished Professor of Surgery
Chair, Department of Surgery
Duke University Medical Center
Organizing Committee
Xunrong Luo and Jean Kwun
Thank you to our sponsors for this year's conference!
Platinum: $5,000 - $7,500

Gold: $2,500 - $4,999

Silver: $1,000 - $2,499
Bronze: $500 - $999

Best Poster Awards Sponsor