Over 20 Years of Educating Leaders in Minimally Invasive & Bariatric Surgery
Founded in 1993, the Duke Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery Fellowship has trained many individuals whose accomplishments and continuing contributions to the field of endosurgery are globally recognized and have served to further build the reputation of this program.
Among our former trainees, over 40% have pursued academic positions with many teaching in and leading some of the nation's top surgical training programs. Several alumni also hold academic leadership positions as Department Chairs and Division Chiefs. We have had over 40% of our fellows enter private practice and less than 10% work in either industry or are currently serving in the U.S. Military.
The opportunity for fellows of the Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery Fellowship are limited only by the motivation and ingenuity of the fellow. Though one-year is a short period of time, it is our hope that those individuals who train at Duke will establish a base on which to build their future and become leaders in the field of minimally invasive surgery.

Kunoor Jain-Spangler, MD
Program Director

Jin Soo Yoo, MD
Associate Program Director