Our program includes training in three locations: Duke University Hospital, Durham VA Medical Center, and Duke Regional Hospital in Durham, North Carolina.
The first three years of the curriculum (PGY 1-3) provide balanced and broad training in general, vascular and cardiothoracic surgery. A period of scholarly research is strongly encouraged, usually following the PGY-3 year of training. The PGY 4-6 years provide focused training in general thoracic, congenital, adult cardiac, and aortic surgery.
The educational curriculum is designed to augment the resident’s operative and clinical experiences. Weekly didactic conferences, attending rounds and Grand Rounds augment the Thoracic Surgery Directors Association (TSDA) curriculum. Residents will also participate in clinical conferences, including multidisciplinary thoracic oncology conference, heart and lung transplant listing conferences, a congenital heart surgery teaching conference, and a multidisciplinary heart team conference.
Academic and Professional Development
Upon entering the program, residents will select an advisor/mentor, who will be integral to the clinical and academic development of each resident. The academic development of each resident in the training program will be fostered by the mentor and the Program Director.