Our Initiatives

Create performance standards & metrics for teaching and compensation strategies that incentivize education.

In progress:

    • Recruitment at SNMA/LMSA meetings
    • Faculty to mentor URiM students
    • Goal to grow to 3rd and 4th-year medical students
    • Enhance research and outreach opportunities to 3rd-year medical students
    • Expand sub-internships for 4th-year medical students
  • Med Students
    • Program for Surgical Oncology fellow
      • The cost for sub-internships will be covered
    • Expand to other divisions
  • Collaboration with Outreach Focus Area
    • Stop the Bleed (ACS):
      • Teach the program at local schools
      • Medical students will act as presenters

Coming Soon:

  • Re-evaluation of teaching metrics for faculty & residents
  • Re-evaluation of resident review process for objective milestones
  • Strategies for compensation of teaching work done vs. implied

In progress:

  • Team to mediate discussions for repairing relationships: Alternative to SRS process
  • Caring ProjectConsult operating room staff after complications or significant life issues
  • Peer groups for early to mid-career women: 
    • Listen about issues Duke Surgery women face at work and brainstorm possible solutions
  • Stability ChampionsAvailable for support on a daily basis across Duke Surgery when people need assistance
  • Movement Project: Operation Room based, interventions when musculoskeletal issues arise for trainees, attendings, and staff 
    • Separate from ergonomic consults
  • Preliminary resident support group: A new formalized support system for preliminary surgical residents

Coming Soon:

  • Peer to Peer Discussions
  • Online Learning Module
  • “Civility champions” vs. another form of bystander training
  • Patient bias protocol/ behavioral contract
  • Ongoing culture assessment surveys

Leadership training & mentorship skills development.

In progress:

  • Plastic surgery “soft skills” curriculum
  • Continuing annual commitment to and foster leadership in affinity groups and national organizations, supporting resident and faculty development
    • Society of Black Academic Surgeons (SBAS)
    • Association of Out Surgeons and Allies (AOSA)
    • Latino Surgical Society (LSS)
    • Association of Women Surgeons (AWS)
    • Association for Academic Surgery (AAS)
    • Society of Asian Academic Surgeons (SAAS)

Coming Soon:

  • Mentorship skills development for faculty, Launch/Boost team members

Community outreach & compensation strategies, engagement with national organizations.

In progress:

  • Continue and expand commitment to medical student/pre-med student/resident recruitment with national organizations:
    • Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
    • Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)
  • ASSET programAnnual participation with the Durham Nativity School
  • Continued partnership with Jack & Jill Society of Durham

Coming Soon:

  • Strategies for RVU compensation for outreach activities

Rethink how we help our residents and faculty succeed, including formalizing mentorship teams, defining diverse tracks for engagement and promotion.

In progress:

  • Establish teams to provide mentoring and support for members of affinity groups
  • Pilot program for administrative support/staff assistant professional development 

Coming Soon:

  • Define tracks for diverse interests including DEI involvement, community engagement
  • Launch teams, Boost teams for ongoing professional development
  • Exit interviews with anticipated & departing faculty at pre-determined intervals

Development and enforcement of standardized and equitable recruitment processes for residents, faculty, and staff.

In progress:

  • Best Practices
    • Develop Value Proposition for new faculty coming to Duke Surgery
    • Report Diversity information across Duke Surgery including data from each division
      • Report biannually at division/leadership meetings
      • Engaging with basic science and research in recruitment activity
      • Staff diversity emphasis
      • Apply principles across all new department hires, including faculty, trainees, and staff
      • Data breakout by surgical specialty compared to peer institutions
    • Build experiences favorable to recruiting—access affinity groups (local & national)
    • Long-term recruitment forecast—look 3-5 years in advance for needs
    • Partner with Communications—gear messages to fit recruitment goals, such as targeting people at end of residency/mid-fellowship period
    • Division chiefs establish a strategic recruitment plan for 3-5 years out, looking at future goals vs. short-term needs
  • Implicit Bias training for all interviewers
    • Currently used at leadership level recruitment, but needs to spread to all departmental recruitment activities—faculty/residents/staff
  • Working groups interview candidates, in which personnel who will work day-to-day with candidates more involved in the hiring and interview process

Consolidation & expansion of resources for junior faculty research development, specific support for research impacting health disparities and work with direct policy translation.

In progress:

  • Evaluating process for recruiting participants in research trials, looking at demographics & diversity of participants
  • Division of Surgical Oncology focused on recruitment of diverse participant population for trials
  • Identify Patient Advocate to join Focus Area meetings to provide new perspective
  • SCORES rebranding: IDEA Scholar (Inclusion Diversity Equity Access)

Join the Effort

Interested in shaping the culture of Duke Surgery for the better? Everyone in the Department (residents, faculty, staff) is invited to participate in making actionable plans to make Duke Surgery a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive place to train and work.