What is your specific area of interest in Geriatric Surgery?
I am interested in exercise/physical activity interventions to optimize physical function prior to and following surgery. I also have interest in using physical activity devices to monitor activity throughout the perioperative period. Finally, I have interest in functional assessment and the impact of function of surgical risk and surgical outcomes.
What is an example of your best work in geriatric research?
I have conducted two very small pilot studies, one at Duke and one at VA, examining the use of activity trackers in the POSH clinics.
In your opinion, what is an important health services research question that needs to be answered in the field of Geriatric Surgery?
How can we integrate health promotion and wellness into current disease-based approaches to care.
What are your most relevant geriatric surgery publications?
- Morey MC, Manning K, Guo S, McDonald S, Heflin M, Starr KP, Sloane R, Loyack NL. Physical activity trackers: Promising tools to promote resilience in older surgical patients? J Surg: JSUR-1156. DOI: 10.29011/2575-9760. 001156, Online version July 2018.
What is a fun fact about you?
I love watching cooking shows but don’t have much time to actually cook even though I consider myself an excellent cook.