A Tradition of Excellence
Every alumnus of the Duke Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Residency came to Duke with a purpose: not to be just average, not to be good, but to be great. But in terms of the training program, what does it mean to be great?
Once again, our prior leaders laid the groundwork. It starts with having a teaching and learning environment based on trust, teamwork, and tradition. It involves creating an atmosphere of family and friendship. It requires a commitment to lifelong learning and giving back to our communities and to the specialty. It involves the fostering of ingenuity and passion. Finally, it involves tireless effort, enthusiasm, and inspiration by the faculty and leadership.
A great Plastic Surgery Division and training program is one that embraces and advances the specialty across its breadth. Our predecessors led Duke to become a beacon for reconstructive surgery. The importance of this identity will not be lost on us as we work to create the most well-rounded academic plastic surgery program in the country. In doing so, we strive to be the best at every level: in the clinic, in academics, and in research.

2023 Alumni Reunion
In June 2023, we held our annual Reunion Weekend for alumni, featuring a keynote lecture from Dr. L. Scott Levin.

Letter to Alumni
In this letter to alumni, Dr. Jeffrey Marcus, Professor and Chief, Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Plastic Surgery, provides an update on the division: past, present, and future.

History of Duke Plastic Surgery
The Duke Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery holds a long tradition of excellence. Read about the history of the division and the many accomplishments of our esteemed alumni.

Graduate Fellowships
Our residents go on to perform their fellowships at some of the most prestigious institutions.

Giving to Duke Plastic Surgery
The Duke Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery relies on individual gifts and philanthropic partnerships to help support our clinical, research, and educational missions and to secure funds for the future. Learn how you can support ongoing development initiatives in the division.