Training World-Class Critical Care Surgeons
This ACGME-accredited fellowship is devoted to broad-based intensive clinical training primarily based in the Duke University Medical Center surgical intensive care unit (SICU).
Duke University Hospital is a tertiary care referral center for the Southeastern United States. The population cared for in the 16-bed SICU includes patients on the trauma, gastrointestinal, oncology, vascular, plastic, orthopaedic, transplant, urology, and OB-GYN services. A rotating team of critical care physicians from the Departments of Surgery and Anesthesiology care for patients.
In addition to core rotations in the SICU, MICU, and neuroscience ICU, elective opportunities abound. Fellows have pursued elective interest in pediatric ICU, neonatal ICU, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, CCU, cardiothoracic surgery ICU, and the SICU at the Durham VA Medical Center.
Program Director
Fellowship duration: One year
The surgical critical care fellow is a key part of the multidisciplinary team consisting of attending staff, anesthesiology critical care fellows, junior surgical and anesthesiology housestaff, pharmacy, discharge planning, respiratory therapy, and senior medical students.
Education remains a high priority for all members of the service at all times.
In addition to the large number of “routine” trauma and postoperative cases, there is a unique opportunity to participate in a number of unusual and complex cases, given Duke's international renown and large referral base.
Opportunities for participation in clinical research activities and publications will be available throughout the year depending on the fellow's interests.
The Duke Department of Surgery remains the highest recipient of NIH funding of all departments of surgery in the nation, providing the fellow with an opportunity for scientific inquiry at the highest level.
Upon completing the surgical critical care fellowship program, the fellow will be fully qualified to obtain board certification and to enter either private or academic practice in surgical critical care.
Contact Us
For more information, contact:
Program Director
Cory Vatsaas, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Program Coordinator
Lee Hines
Duke University Medicine Center
Regular Mail: Box 2834
Courier Mail: Room M114, Green Zone
Durham, North Carolina 27710
Email: lee.hines@duke.edu