Start Year: 2018
College/University: University of Florida
Medical School: University of South Florida
Clinical and Research Interests
- Technology and medicine
- Cleft and congenital airway disease
- Craniofacial trauma
- Resident education
What were you looking for in a residency program?
I was looking for a home away from home. I wanted to find a group of residents who would challenge me clinically and academically but also be approachable and good friends.
What are the strengths of the Duke program?
There is a great culture of both working hard and helping each other out. We're surrounded by some of the smartest people in the world and many amazing resources.
What advice do you have for incoming interns?
The work is hard but it's worth it! Make the best out of these years in training and take all the opportunities Duke has to offer.
What do you like best about living in Durham and the Triangle?
You get the perks of multiple cities but with the ease, cost, and laid back lifestyle of a more suburban spread out area. Always something to do.
What do you like to do outside of Duke?
Run, bike, hike, food trucks, live music, dog parks, paddleboarding, anything outside!
Honors and Awards
- Mountain West Society of Plastic Surgery 2020 - Paraspinal Flaps for High Risk Spinal Surgery
- American Rhinoplasty Society 2020 - Computational Fluid Dynamics in Virtual Surgery uCLND Airway Modeling