Members of Dr. Gayathri Devi’s Cell Death Laboratory in the Division of Surgical Sciences presented four studies at the 12th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, held September 20-23, 2019 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square in San Francisco, California. These studies spanned molecular characterization, epidemiology, and community engagement themes in breast cancer health disparity.
Collaborators on these projects included Dr. Kate Hoffman (Duke Nicholas School of the Environment), Dr. Ted Slotkin (Duke Pharmacology), Dr. Shannon McCall (Duke Pathology), and Dr. Savitri Krishnamurthy (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center). Community engagement included collaborations with Dr. Nadine Barrett, Dr. Laura Fish, and Dr. Anh Tran at Duke University. PhD trainee Risa Gearhart-Serna is a NCI-P20 CREP scholar, and general surgery resident Whitney Lane was supported by a T32 Surgical Oncology training grant.
Dr. Devi also leads the Duke Inflammatory Breast Cancer Consortium, and these studies are part of funding support from Department of Defense, NIH, Duke School of Medicine and foundation grants.
Abstract details
1. Abstract Number: B035: Identification of a tumor cell adaptive stress response signaling pathway, which drives aggressive breast cancer phenotype and therapeutic resistance, in African American patients with locally advanced breast cancer subtypes
Devi, Abo, Gearhart-Serna, Geradts, McCall, Krishnamurthy
2. Abstract Number: B122: Spatial analysis of ductal carcinoma in situ, locoregional, and distant metastatic breast cancer in North Carolina: Evidence for rural-urban disparities
Gearhart-Serna, Hoffman, Devi
3. Abstract Number: D093: Who carries the excess cancer risk burden: Implications of disparities in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure
Gearhart-Serna, Slotkin, Devi
4. Abstract Number: B034: Improving patient-centered care for inflammatory breast cancer: Strategies for addressing barriers faced by patients, researchers, and providers
Devi, Barrett, Hough, Ingram, Lane, Gearhart-Serna, Fish, Tran