Contact Information
Office: 131 Baker House, Brown Zone, Durham, NC 27710
Campus Mail: DUMC Box 3181 Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710

The Duke Human Fresh Tissue Laboratory gives researchers in the Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery opportunities to make unique contributions to human anatomic research.
From anatomy atlases to 3-D images of the human body, medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty have the latest technologies available to them in this state-of-the-art laboratory.
Findings from this work are directly applicable to plastic surgery, orthopaedic surgery, hand surgery, cranio-maxillofacial surgery, and other subspecialties.
- A technique to perfuse cadavers that extends the useful life of fresh tissues: the Duke experience
- The helical arcade: anatomic basis for survival in near-total ear avulsion
- Osteocutaneous face transplantation
- Facial allograft transplantation: fiction or reality? Surgical techniques in a fresh human cadaver model
- A pilot study in sub-SMAS face transplantation: defining donor compatibility and assessing outcomes in a cadaver model
- Technical and anatomical considerations of face harvest in face transplantation
- Anatomical basis and clinical application of the infragluteal perforator flap
Lab Personnel
- Detlev Erdmann, MD, PhD, MHSc
- Clinton Leiweke, Human Fresh Tissue Lab Manager