Linda Cendales, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery
Elected to serve as the Councilor-at-Large for the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

Mitchell Cox, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Received the Master Clinician Award. A Duke School of Medicine Faculty Award recognizing Dr. Cox's exemplary standards of clinical care, pedagogy, and professionalism.

Gayathri Devi, PhD
Associate Professor in Surgery
Division of Surgical Sciences
Received the Early Career Mentoring Award in Basic - Translational Science. A Duke School of Medicine Faculty Award recognizing Dr. Devi's excellence in research mentoring.

Guido Ferrari, MD
Professor in Surgery
Division of Surgical Sciences
Received the Career Mentoring Award in Basic - Translational Science. A Duke School of Medicine Faculty Award recognizing Dr. Ferrari's excellence in research mentoring.

Michael Lidsky, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Division of Surgical Oncology
Performed Duke's 50th hepatic arterial pump placement this month.

Chandler Long, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Appointed as the Associate Medical Director for the Vascular Quality Initiative of the Carolinas.

Kevin Southerland, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Selected as the Vascular Cures 2021 Wylie Scholar for his research on the "Transcriptional Dynamics and Heterogeneity of Macrophages in Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia." The Wylie Scholar Program awards one young surgeon-scientist a grant for projects that combine active patient care with academic research.

Julie Thacker, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Division of Surgical Oncology
Reached a personal milestone by performing her 200th robotics colorectal surgery this month.

Brent Theiling, MD
Professor of Surgery
Division of Emergency Medicine
Promoted to Professor of Surgery.