Faculty of the Month - October 2023


We received several heartfelt and descriptive nominations for the October 2023 faculty of the month! To nominate someone for recognition, please email Melanie Kirk.

"Dr. Erika Crosby is a remarkable faculty member known for her exceptional qualities of caring and patience. Her dedication to her students, co-workers, and employee's success and academic growth sets her apart in the educational and research community.

First and foremost, Erika's caring nature shines through in her interactions with all of us. She takes the time to truly listen. Whether someone is struggling or simply seeking advice, Erika is always approachable and willing to lend a compassionate ear.

Erika's patience is a cornerstone of her teaching style. She understands that each person learns at their own pace and has unique strengths and weaknesses. Rather than rushing through explanations, she patiently works with the group to ensure they grasp the material thoroughly. She encourages questions and fosters an environment where people feel comfortable seeking clarification without fear of judgment.

In conclusion, Erika's caring and patient nature make her an outstanding faculty member who not only imparts knowledge, but also nurtures the personal and academic development of her students and employees. Her dedication to their well-being and her unwavering support create a positive and enriching environment that leaves a lasting impact on our lives."

Karrie Comatas, MS, Research Analyst
