SSO 2023 International Conference On Surgical Cancer Care

Start Date
March 22, 2023
12:00 pm
End Date
March 25, 2023
11:15 am
Boston, Massachusetts

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The SSO 2023 International Conference on Surgical Cancer Care will take place Wednesday, March 22 through Saturday, March 25 in Boston, MA.

Duke participants in bold

Wednesday, March 22, 12-5 p.m.
SSO 2023 Pre-Meeting: SSO Fellows Institute II – Practical Aspects of Starting a Surgical Oncology Career
Moderator: Trey Blazer
Wednesday, March 22, 12-5 p.m.
SSO 2023 Pre-Meeting: SSO Fellows Institute II – Practical Aspects of Starting a Surgical Oncology Career
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Panelist: Trey Blazer
Wednesday, March 22, 1-2:40 p.m.
SSO 2023 Research Pre-meeting: SSO Grant Writing Workshop
R Type Grants (Approach, Budgeting, Special Sections-VA, Human Subjects Protection)
Presenter: Shelley Hwang
Thursday, March 23, 9:41-9:46 a.m.
Upper GI Poster Presentations 1
Impact of tumor size and management on survival in gastric GIST
Presenter: Kristen Rhodin (co-authors: Bartholomew, Howell, Kanu, Masoud, Lidsky, Nussbaum, and Blazer)
Thursday, March 23, 11:26-11:36 a.m.
Endocrine/H&N and Sarcoma Parallel Session
Current Patterns of Care and Outcomes of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: An International Multi-institutional Collaborative
Presenter: Leah Winer (Fox Chase) (co-Authors: Akumuo, Handrof, Greco, Bartholomew, Blazer, Gabrielova, Krakorova, Benard-Bedard, Nessim, Kollar, Olariu, Cencelj-Arnez, Hompes, Ford, Cardona, Sato, Iwata, Farma, Villano
Thursday, March 23, 12:41-12:46 p.m.
HPB Poster Presentations 1
Hepatic resection for metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma – a prospective single institution pilot study
Presenter: Robin Schmitz (co-authors: Eckhoff, Lidsky, Blazer, Abbruzzesse, Mettu, Allen, and Zani)
Thursday, March 23, 12:30-1 p.m.
Regional Therapies for Soft Tissue Sarcomas
SSO HUB Presenter: Trey Blazer
Thursday, March 23, 1:16-1:26 p.m.
Recent Advances in the Management of Thyroid Nodules
When do I use molecular testing for thyroid nodules (what to do with NIFTP Also)
Presenter: Randall Scheri
Thursday, March 23, 2:51-2:56 p.m.
Breast Poster Presentations 2
Short-term outcomes in DCIS patients managed without initial surgery
Presenter: Amanda Nash (co-authors: Ren, Thomas, Francescatti, McCarthy, Lynch, Frank, Partridge, Thompson, Grimm, Hyslop, Hwang, Ryser)
Thursday, March 23, 2:56-3:01 p.m.
Breast Poster Session 2
Genomic characterization of breast cancer metastases reveals differences in rates of PIK3CA mutation across metastatic sites and worse survival in patients with concurrent CDH1 mutation treated with PI3K inhibitor
Presenter: Anna Louie (co-authors: Bansal, Wu, Capelletti, Korn, Kaklamani, Tan, Chalasani, El-Deiry, Dizon, Graff)
Thursday, March 23, 3:01-3:06 p.m.
Sarcoma Poster Presentations 1
Evolution in management of upfront treatment for desmoid tumors
Presenter: Alex Bartholomew (co-authors: Rhodin, Notware, Moris, Kanu, Masoud, Howell, Kosevec, Burner, Kim, Sag, Nussbaum, Zani, Lidsky, Allen, Riedel, Blazer)
Thursday, March 23, 3:31-3:45 p.m.
De-Escalation of Breast Surgery
High-Risk Breast Lesions: Excise vs Observe
Presenter: Jennifer Plichta
Friday, March 24, 10:34-10:44 a.m.
Melanoma Parallel Session
Timing of Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Stage III Melanoma, Does it Matter?
Presenter: Kristen Rhodin (co-authors: Jung, Elleson, DePalo, Straker, McKinley, Beekman, Parker, Chen, Salama, Iyer, Bartlett, Karakousis, Zager, Tyler, Beasley)
Friday, March 24, 10:34-10:44 a.m.
Melanoma Parallel Session
Safety, efficacy, and biomarker assessment of RP1 in combination with nivolumab in patients with advanced skin cancers
Presenter: Georgia Beasley (co-authors: VanderWalde, Bowles, Sacco, Niu, Tsai, Chesney, Chmielowski, Samson, Rhodes, In, Pavlick, Wise-Draper, Sanmamed, Hou, Middleton, Harrington, Lebbe, Michels, Millhem)
Friday, March 24, 12:36-12:41 p.m.
Breast Poster Presentations 3
High Risk Screening in Women with BRCA1/2 Mutations Age 70 and Above
Presenter: Astrid M Botty van den Bruele (co-authors: Ren, Thomas, Rooney, Menendez, Chiba, Grimm, Plichta)
Friday, March 24, 1:16-1:21 p.m.
HPB Poster Presentations 2
Personalized Circulating Tumor DNA and Survival in Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer
Presenter: Austin Eckhoff (co-authors: Kanu, Fletcher, Bao, Nussbaum, Blazer, Lidsky, Zani, Shah, Aushev, Krinshpun, Jurdi, Liu, Allen, Herbert)
Friday, March 24, 3:36-3:41 p.m.
Melanoma Poster Presentations 2
A Multi-Institutional Observational Analysis of the Theory of the Immunization Effect in Patients with Multiple Primary Melanomas
Presenter: Zaladonis (co-authors: Beasley, Broman, Correya, Rhodin, Vandenberg, Gabriel, Hieken, Thompson, Scolyer, Lowe, Beacher, Elleson, DePalo, Zager, Enomoto, Berger, Ruth, Farma)
Friday, March 24, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Melanoma Great Debate: Limb Infusion: a thing of the past?
Moderator: Georgia Beasley
Friday, March 24, 4:31-4:41 p.m.
Breast Parallel Session 1
Germline genetic mutations in a prospective multi-center cohort of 241 phyllodes tumors: Time to expand testing criteria
Presenter: Laura Rosenberger (co-authors: Thomas, Hieken, Gallagher, Neuman, Weiss, King, Wong, Tong, Nash, Menendez, Hwang, Jakub, Plichta)
Friday, March 24, 4:31-4:41 p.m.
Breast Parallel Session 1
Genomic Landscape of Malignant Phyllodes Tumors Reveals Multiple Targetable Opportunities
Presenter: Laura Rosenberger (co-authors: Riedel, Deigo, Danziger, Sokol, Ross, Sammons)
Saturday, March 25, 10:56-11:06 a.m.
HPB Parallel Session 2
Adjuvant chemotherapy for resected intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma confers no survival advantage
Presenter: Jeremy Sharib (co-authors: Liu, McIntyre, Rhodin, Kemeny, Cercek, Harding, Abou-Alfa, Soares, Wei, Drebin, Kingham, D’Angelica, Uronis, Strickler, Morse, Zani, Allen, Jarnagin, Lidsky