Areas of Focus

The SEEDS Initiative comprises seven distinct areas of focus, each with unique objectives, goals, and initiatives. The focus areas and their objective statements are listed below.

To learn more about each of the focus areas and how to get involved, please contact the respective focus area leads or the EDI Leadership team at


Develop inclusive and effective metrics and incentives to recognize faculty involvement in education, with a specific focus on support for URiM trainees.



Build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture through educational, cultural, interpersonal, and structural initiatives.



Purposefully prepare and hold accountable current and future faculty, trainee, and staff leaders to successfully guide diverse, equitable, and inclusive teams.

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Professional Development, Promotion, and Retention

Retain, professionally develop, and equip a diverse group of faculty, trainees, researchers, and staff.

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Promote and support equitable hiring practices to recruit diverse and talented faculty, trainees, researchers, and staff.

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Research & Innovation

Develop paths for socially conscious research efforts that explore, address, and encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in research questions, collaborations, and policy.

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Address health disparities in our local community; expand access to dignified care for marginalized groups; leverage Duke’s position as a global, national, and regional leader to create outreach and service opportunities for all.

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Contact Us

For any questions, comments, inquiries, or to report an issue or concern, please contact us at