General Surgery Residency Program News

General Surgery Resident Receives Resident Educator Award from Medical Students

Dr. Brian Gilmore, General Surgery Resident, has received the 2018 Resident Educator Award from medical students in the surgery clerkship. This award is given annually to a resident nominated by medical students based on the resident’s commitment to enhancing student education and surgical training.

According to Kyle Freischlag who presented Dr. Gilmore with the award, “This award is meant to recognize not only teaching on the wards and in the operating room, but also innovation in teaching methods and dedication to student betterment.”

Dynamic Equilibrium: Finding Balance for the Surgeon–Scientist

With a buzzing phone and dinging inbox repeatedly begging for her attention, Dr. Georgia Beasley momentarily tunes out the chaos to discuss the journey that led to her current position at Duke. Here, she splits her time between treating melanoma patients in the clinic and researching novel treatments for the disease in the laboratory.

Surgery Resident Receives Teaching Award from Gold Foundation

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation has awarded its Humanism and Excellence in Teaching Award to General Surgery resident Babatunde Yerokun, MD, in recognition of his exceptional teaching skills and commitment to compassionate treatment of patients, families, students, and colleagues.

Seven Duke Surgery Residents Receive 2018 Appleseed Training Awards

Seven residents were recently honored with the Appleseed Resident Training Award, a recognition to those who have “not only exceeded expectations of medical pedagogy, but have shown genuine passion for training the next generation of doctors.” Created in 2008 by medical students, the award is given to the top 10% of residents and interns in each core rotation who have positively impacted other trainees through education.

Congratulations to this year’s recipients:

Duke Surgery Residents and Fellows Attend Student National Medical Association Annual Meeting

Photo: Dr. Kevin Southerland, Vascular Surgery Fellow, Dr. Karenia Landa, General Surgery Resident, and Dr. Shanna Sprinkle, General Surgery Resident

The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is the oldest and largest student-run organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of color. Each year, the national conference brings together its members for workshops related to professional development, community empowerment, and research.

General Surgery Resident Receives Snyderman Award

The Institutional Committee for Graduate Medical Education has selected Morgan Cox, MD, General Surgery Resident, as the recipient of the annual Ralph Snyderman, MD, GME Research Award. Established in 2004, the award recognizes excellence in graduate medical research.

The committee unanimously selected Dr. Cox from a strong pool of applicants due to her research project, “Documenting or Operating: Where is Time Spent in General Surgery Residency?” Research on time-management is particularly useful for residents today, as burnout rates continue to climb at alarming rates.

General Surgery Resident Wins 2017 Spurgeon Neel Award Competition

The Army Medical Department Museum Foundation has chosen Duke General Surgery Resident Justin Barr, MD, PhD, as the recipient of their Spurgeon Neel Award Competition. The award recognizes his paper, “America's Guerilla Hospitals in the Vietnam War: The CIDG Experience,” which the organization felt best exemplifies the history, legacy, and traditions of the Army Medical Department.

Dr. Barr’s paper will be published in the Army Medical Department’s AMEDD Journal, and he will be recognized in a presentation by the Board of Directors.